Putting the star on:) Or rather star-like snowflake:)
Playing water games out on the porch with a temp of 74 degrees--loving it for now, but will miss the snow the week of Christmas!
Eli is obsessed with candy canes, he can't get enough of them...how this started? Who knows!!
This is where we often find Eli chillin' out. He loves the tree oh so much!!
Merry Christmas y'all!!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Tis the Season:)
Posted by Katie Hutson at 10:53 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
A House of Order
Sorry for all the pictures, but I wanted you all to truly appreciate Grace's organizational genius. She came up with all of these on her own, and I think she's getting better with time. I hope you're all doing well and enjoying your holiday season. We're having a great time here. I finished working right before Thanksgiving and I'm loving hanging out with the kids. Grace as you can tell is a character and Jack is one of the most personable babies I've ever seen. All he needs is someone there and he'll be happy and smiling. Morgan will be done with finals on Friday, woohoo! Love you all.
Posted by Alison at 10:09 PM 3 comments
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Baby Hutson #2
We are thrilled to announce that we are having another boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are super happy that Eli will have a little brother so close to his age. We really thought it was going to be a girl this time (Jer and I both had dreams about having a baby girl)...but it is not to be!! We are super excited and now that we have had the ultrasound everything seems much more real!! Fun times :)
Posted by Katie Hutson at 9:07 AM 3 comments
Friday, November 23, 2007
We are Grateful
Posted by julieinjapan at 7:20 AM 3 comments
Thursday, November 15, 2007
More Late Halloween Pics:)
The horse, Eli, and I just couldn't get it together:) We didn't get a single pic with all three of us looking at the camera--oh well!! Little Eli loved Halloween and loved trunk or treating. He looked great in his Marshal costume and the hat lasted at least 5 minutes--overall, a fantastic Halloween!
My sweet handsome boys:)
Our little piece of heaven park had all kinds of interesting scarecrows set up during the month of October. This one was Eli's fav. b/c of all the dogs and cats:)
And a random pic of Eli playing on the patio a few days ago. The weather has been unbelievably beautiful and it has been warm enough to allow Eli to play water games in only his diaper!!
Posted by Katie Hutson at 5:30 PM 4 comments
Monday, November 12, 2007
Late Halloween Pics
Here are the Halloween pictures of the kids. We had tons of fun. Grace picked up on trick-or-treating pretty quick. And now her favorite thing to do is not eat the candy but organize it according to color, size, and type of candy. I'll put a picture of that up next, it's hilarious. And Jack, was the cutest little monster. That's pretty much all from here. I'm looking forward to my nice long holiday break from work, and we'll be going to California for Christmas.
Posted by Alison at 10:12 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Nothing going on
Posted by julieinjapan at 5:59 PM 4 comments
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Sidenote to Sunday
So I guess Sundays wear Morgan out too. He started to change Jack's diaper, opened up the onesie and realized that the last time he had changed Jack's diaper he had put one of Grace's diapers on. Hilarious.
Posted by Alison at 8:34 PM 1 comments
So we're sitting at the table after dinner and Grace started acting kind of loopy. And before we knew it she was out. Jack also has been asleep since church (going on three hours). Sundays are apparently very tiring around here.
Posted by Alison at 5:49 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 26, 2007
NOT in Oklahoma!
Hi, guys! Alison requested that I post an update so here I am! I haven't posted earlier because there just hasn't been anything to say. There still isn't really. This last month has been really nice - we've had some good down time - lots of Wii playing and moving watching. :) I'm also in the process of completely reorganizing my office - I think we're going to IKEA today to see what we can find. We're not moving anytime soon, but you know us - you never know! We're definitely not doing the Oklahoma thing. We went out for a visit in April and we realized we just can't live that close to family. We need our own space. So, Portland is still a possibility as is Williamsburg, but who knows when. If I ever get pregnant we're going to have to seriously take a look at things and decide where we want to be because this house isn't big enough for the company and a family anymore. But Brian and Puga are doing well. :) We're excited about Halloween, but with our ward doing Trunk or Treats on Halloween day we don't get too many trick or treaters, which is sad, but what are you going to do?
Hope you guys have lots of fun this Halloween and make sure to post pictures of your cute kids all dressed up!
Posted by Rebekah at 9:26 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Well, we've decided to dress Eli up as a cowboy for Halloween--he'll be known as Marshall E. Hutson for all of the festivities going on this Halloween. After all, his favorite stuffed animal is a horse and he looks great in a cowboy hat--what could be more perfect? What are you all doing for Halloween? We are taking Eli to a good ol' Trunk or Treat at the church this weekend, and then to the library for Halloween treats and activities on Halloween Eve--and we might let him knock on a few doors on Halloween day--we shall see:) Do any of you guys have any fun traditions? I'd love to hear about them?! Anyway, mostly I am writing this post just to say hi and that I am thinking of y'all:)
Posted by Katie Hutson at 6:08 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
At the U
Well we're having a pretty good time here at the U. Grace, as you can see, has learned how to smile for the camera, as has Jack. Grace is talking more and more all the time. Jack is getting bigger and bigger. He's really strong and will probably be rolling around pretty soon. Morgan just finished his first block of classes and luckily grad school has been easier then BYU, so far. I'm just playing with the kids, working, playing with the kids, and working. That's pretty much all from here. Love you all!
Posted by Alison at 10:16 PM 4 comments
Come on Y'all:)
Hey friends!! It is time y'all took a few minutes and gave me a bit of an update on your lives. I miss everyone all the time and wish you'd tell me what you are up to--whether you think it is boring or not--I want to hear about it!!! So...start typing...
Oh, and, any fun costume ideas anyone? Jer and I would like to make Eli a costume for this halloween but if we can't think of something good we might buy one--please help us to get creative!!
Posted by Katie Hutson at 7:41 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
These are pics taken at our little piece of heaven! We have a beautiful garden/park/lake about a 30 second drive from our place. We love it sooooo much!!
Eli's first time feeding ducks:) They wanted to attack him bad!!
For those of you who don't know yet we are going to have another baby! The baby is due in April!
Posted by Katie Hutson at 8:44 AM 5 comments
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Took me long enough!
Well i finally figured out how to post things and put pictures on here. It is great fun. here are some pictures... Nate has learned to roll over and loves to giggle. He is the sweetest little guy and we are having tons of fun with him. I am in Maryland with my family while Aaron is doing some training for work. Kelly and I (unless kelly changed her mind) are going to go to disney world this nov (late nov early dec.) anyone want to come... Let us know! it should be a BLAST!!! Ashley.. you know you want to enjoy the magic of disney!
Posted by julieinjapan at 7:09 PM 4 comments
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Alabama Craziness cont...
Sorry Kelly, had to get Jer some Scrubs for work right then!! I am not normally so cruel;) If you are just tuning in, read my other post first;)!!!
So, we arrived to our new apt with our fully loaded truck, our car, and jer's parents car, we were hot, tired, hungry, and very anxious to get into our place (Alt to B'ham is 2 1/2 hrs). The manager told us we had to sign 16 or so pages of a contract agreement before we could have our key. He rushed us through it and then gave us our key at which point we asked if the apt was definitely ready for us. He told us that yes it was although we may have to wipe down the counters with some 409 if anything and that the cleaning lady should have been in...and if for some reason she hadn't, just let him know and he'd take care of it. Now, at this point I need to back up a bit...When we first looked at the apt place he showed us 2 available ones--one was quite nice and the 2nd was absolutely trashed--rainbow color stains everywhere and trash and filth galore!! Turned out we were given the 2nd and they said that they had redone the apt and we had no need to worry. Well...hahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa--yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We opened the door and at first were highly impressed--new carpet and freshing painted walls. Then we checked out the patio, kitchen, and bathroom and I nearly fainted right then and there!!! They were horrendously filthy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The cleaning lady had not been in after all! We called the Manager and he told us he would come and clean as much as possible after his shift and that anything he couldn't do, the cleaning lady would do after the long weekend--ha in 3 days!!! Luckily we were headed back to Atlanta for the weekend anyway otherwise I don't know what we would have done:( I wanted so badly to cry and scream and laugh all at once. Well, I called Michael the manager on Sunday to find out if he really did clean and he said actually hadn't and he would get to it that evening--I made him assure me though that Jer would be able to take a shower in a clean tub and that we'd be able to use the kitchen on Monday and he assured me he'd have it ready (Jer was starting his new job on Tues).
We arrived Monday to find that only very basic cosmetic cleaning had been done and that the tub was just as filthy as ever!! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh man was I livid, if I was a curser I would have cursed!!!!! I mean...our feet were sticking to the kitchen floor and well, I won't even tell you of all the grossness--maybe I'll post pics when I get a chance!! AND, there was a large bag of trash just sitting on our patio!! Anyway this whole past week I have been fighting like crazy with management trying to get them to do their job--they have finally come to do a little maintenance and a cleaning lady did a bit of cleaning but the situation is still pretty ugly--oh and we are getting 100 bucks off of rent!! We have only been able to unpack a few things!! Anyway, without telling you everything I will just tell you that Management has treated us sooooo badly that we got a hold of a relative of Jer's who is a big time lawyer...he has assigned a co-worker of his to us to deal with this mess. He is taking care of us as a friend to the family and so we will not be charged. Management is going to be extremely sorry that they didn't take 3 hrs to fix our place up!! It is all very stressful and yet very exciting at the same time!! We are pretty sure that not only will our place be fixed up but we will also most likely get a month's rent free. In the end things will be good for us!
Luckily, thru all of our traveling, and our boxes being everywhere, and filth being all around, Eli has been a little angel for which we are extremely grateful!! Now, although management has put a bit of a bad taste in our mouths, Hoover (part of B'ham) is wonderful, very pretty, and full of fun things to do and see. We are sure we'll love it here once everything settles down!! Anyway, soory about the majorly long post!! We just had to share with y'all!
Take care:)
Posted by Katie Hutson at 9:43 AM 4 comments
Crazy Crazy Alabama!!!!!!!!!!!
Ladies ladies ladies (and gents--I think there are a few who might read this:>) ....Alabama has been the ultimate adventure for us!! I really don't even know where to begin! The last few weeks have been busy and fun and stressful and maddening and scary and wild and crazy!! Should I start with the good or the bad...hmmmm...I think the good, I like feeling happy!! Birmingham and the surrounding areas are amazing! The place is huge! Most of the people are incredibly friendly and helpful and funny and very welcoming (I will explain about the OTHER people shortly)! We offically moved to Birmingham on the 1st of Sept. But...much took place before that! We stayed with Jer's parents in Atlanta for about 2 weeks, Jer and his dad traveled from UT to Atl. with our big ol' Ford and car attatched to that. After 3 long days of driving, a missing chair (which is now in Wyoming somewhere--you are welcome to it Erin!!), a missing crib leg, and a shredded tarp, they arrived safe and sound! We parked the truck in the back yard --it was quite the sight!!
Sometime during our stay we made two trips up to Birmingham to check out our home-to-be and to try to find an apartment. I will spare you all of the details but the 1st day was fun, we saw a lot of fun places, but had no luck with finding a nice apt--oh, and we somehow came across the projects when we took a wrong turn...that was the scariest and saddest thing I have EVER seen, we locked the doors and drove as quickly as possible to get out of there!! On our second trip we were with Jer's grandparents and they helped us find an apt. We had success this time. Oh, and we ate lunch the craziest establishment I have ever been to--I loved it! The place was packed, the line was huge and yet we were sitting at a table eating lunch within minutes of arriving. What happens is you get to the front of this cafeteria style line which has about 8,342 food choices. One server is in charge of a small section of items. When you get to them they quickly say, "whatmeat?" or "whatvegtable (said that way!)" or "whatside" etc!, if you don't respond within 2 seconds they ignore you and push your tray to the next server. Before you know it you are at the cash register and are lucky if you managed to get anything on your plate!! HAahahahaaaa! It was great--I will treat any one of you to it if you come and visit us!! Anyway, the rest of the day we apt. searched and finally found one we really liked and that was affordable and in an excellent area (close to EVERYTHING). So, we paid a deposit and were told that the apt would be ready for us by the 1st. Everything was going great!!
Then...we arrived on the 1st to a disaster...however, we have to run to the store so I will have to continue the story in a few hrs hopefully...
PS--I've loved all of the posts you guys have done recently--I miss you all!
Posted by Katie Hutson at 5:28 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 27, 2007
Substitute Adventure
Okay, so today was my first time substitute teaching, and it was a little abnormal. I went to a high school that is one of those special schools where all the subjects are focused on one thing. . .this one happened to be focused on the film industry. It was pretty crazy, all the students wanted to be directors and actors and whatever. I obviously don't, and so none of them wanted to be my friend. I guess I wasn't extreme or hollywood enough. Well, so they basically ignored me all day, and I ignored them. I think, number one, I'm not meant for substitute teaching. And number two, I'm not meant for the film industry.
Posted by Kelly at 8:56 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Blast from the past...

And really folks, don't you think it was pretty funny to put that shark head on the window? (In case you can't see the tatoo on the arm, it says "I eat dogs.")


Posted by Erin Teichert Barbuto at 9:13 AM 8 comments
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Happy 4th of July :)
Hey y'all!! Just wanted to say Happy Independence Day! Have fun and celebrate like crazy!! Jeremy, Eli, and I went to the Hot Air Balloon Fest this morning...it was a ton of fun!! Enjoy the pics!!
Posted by Katie Hutson at 9:04 AM 3 comments
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Goodbye Texas, Howdy California
So, I left Texas this weekend. It's true. So I was only there for eight months, but they were a fabulous eight months and I feel pretty good about taking a different direction in my life now. I'm at home in Utah, but on Saturday I leave for California. . .yes, to see the boy. I'll be there for about a month, to "see how things go". We're going to try to decide what we want to happen out of this relationship, and take it from there. And we decided that being together to decide would probably be the best idea, as opposed to deciding while we are apart. So yeah, that's my life right now. If anyone wants to take a trip down to Orange County this summer, come and see me!
Posted by Kelly at 10:10 AM 3 comments
Friday, June 22, 2007
Little Jack
We had our baby! He was born Tuesday, June 19th at 2:37pm. He was the same length as Grace was, 20 inches, but weighed a whole pound more (8 lbs, 2 oz). He and Alison are doing great, both are getting a decent night sleep thanks to Grandma being here, and Grace is really excited about her baby brother. Here are some pictures!
Posted by morgan at 7:48 AM 4 comments
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Pictures from Japan
This is tricky, this posting a blog! Here are some pictures from my trip to Japan. We'll have Julie identify them.
Posted by Erin Teichert Barbuto at 9:48 PM 9 comments