Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Blast from the past...

I'm giving a presentation on journals at the youth center where I work today, so I dug out a bunch of my old journals and found the Apartment 21 era journal. And in it I found our old quote wall. I don't know how much you'll be able to see from these pictures, but some of them made me laugh out loud. I also found our flyers from our date-lympics: the Unsinkable Alison Kitchen, Katie the Crusher, Kelly the Banshee, Gentle Erin...

And really folks, don't you think it was pretty funny to put that shark head on the window? (In case you can't see the tatoo on the arm, it says "I eat dogs.")

And Kelly, I found the little black book you guys made. Remember Soren: "Make me some dinner, woman!" :)

Also, here are some pictures of beautiful Wyoming. I nearly ran off the road taking these...


Kelly said...

Erin!! That is hilarious, Alison and I were just looking through those same things a week ago, and also laughed hysterically at them. But we didn't have the shark or the black book, and that was so great. I forgot how funny I use to be! I lvoe you to death! And those pictures of Wyoming. . .almost persuade me to move there. Beautiful!! Are you moving to Vegas still??

Unknown said...

Hello ladies! I found my way here through mutual southridge's so fun to catch up with all of you! No one understands how amazingly fabulous Southridge was...I still haven't met better people...Erin-are you really moving to vegas? Cause that's where Ryan and I live! We've been here for the last 3 years...if any of you want to see what we're up to we're at
Love to all!

Unknown said...

oh yes, that was from me:
Amy Jean Livingston Fitzgibbons--how's that for a long name?

Erin Teichert Barbuto said...

I'm not moving to Las Vegas right just sounds so dang hot! And besides (as you can tell from my cowboy twang) Wyoming's a tough place to leave. I'm starting some nursing classes this fall. Kelly, be persuaded! There are so many jobs here and all the toothless oil field workers a gal could want! :) At least come and visit some time. And that goes for all of you! We could all take a trip to Devil's Tower or Yellowstone or Rocky Ridge or something. Think about it. Who's with me? (I am! I am! I am! Through the mists, through the woods...)

Amy, I'm so glad to hear from you. And Katie, are you in Al Abam yet? Al, how's that baby? And Ashley, as I was looking for my old journals, I found the Juku book. I hope you're still writing, cause you're pretty darn impressive. I also found a picture of me and Morgan (big Morgan) after a flour war in Southridge and a picture of Kelly's going away party which reminded me of when we painted some door (where did it come from?) like the Italian flag and remember when we had a track of oily footprints between apt 20 and 21? Our closet door rack had fallen. Also remember the Apple Fest and how we had people from off the street coming? I also saw my ticket to the Olypics when we saw the cross-country skiing. Remember ale ale ale!! Asti Asti Asti!! And dear old Toddi pooh...*Sigh*
I ALSO found my copy of the musical Abinadi (and for some reason I always want to say AH-bin-AH-dy...) that Ryan did. Remember that? And there was also a picture of a pink cake in everyone's hair and a picture of some caped girls frolicking. And does anyone remember the never-ending roll of saran wrap that always went with ol' 21? (Singing) Those were the days... :)

Alison said...

Erin, you may not believe this, but right now at this very moment in the cupboard underneath our sink is that same roll of saran wrap. I think we'll give it to Grace as a graduation present. And I wouldn't be surprised if your little goldfish is still hanging out in Jenny's old BYU office. Thanks for the stroll down memory lane, it's crazy that we just saw the same things last week.

Rebekah said...

wow, I feel like there were two different Southridge eras 'cause I pretty much don't remember any of that!! I remember the "knock list" and the water fights and the "man eater" and turning the couch around to wait for Brandy to come home and the chocolate wall and Pendral the Pumpkin and the happy thoughts list and so many other fun things that I think it would be fun to go back in time and visit! But, just visit. :)

I love you guys!

wes said...

AH! So happy to find this blog!!! Look at all of your beautiful women and check out all of these happy goings-on! traveling...etc, etc, so forth. I'm so glad that Morgan commented on The Fitz's' page so that we could sneak around and find you!

Alright, I'm off to read all these posts! How fun to catch up! Love to you all!

(Kelly, I was REALLY jealous when Wes saw you the other day without me!! Such a jip!!)

lori said...

Dah - that was a "Lori" comment above. I always do that!