Friday, November 17, 2006

In trouble with the law, again

Well, since I have nothing else to do, I joined the Book Club in my Relief Society. Last night it was just the girl who runs it, me and my roommate(she hadn't read the book, but I made her come along for fun). How did anything function before I came here? We read The Color of Water(good book). On the way home, we missed our exit so we did a U-turn and promptly got pulled over. . .in that sassy tone policemen always seem to take with me, he told us U-turns weren't allowed on the highway (does a highway have stoplights? Supposedly in Texas, they do) and that a car needs to have TWO headlights (novel idea). Since he knew we were from out of town, he gave us a break, making this my second escape from the law, the last time being when I got pulled over for not having a light over my license plate and had no license, no insurance, and no registration. At least this time no one was threatening to impound my car. Hey, I would love it if EVERYONE posted things on here. . .thanks Bekah, for telling me all about life, and no, I haven't seen the fireants! I know you are all alive, and live everyday, so there have got to be things you can put on here!


Katie Hutson said...

Kelly, question for ya--do the Texan police guys have big hats? That is how I imagine them;) Careful down there girl--I don't want to have to come bail you out of jail...although you know I would if you needed me to!!

It sounds like you are having daily adventures--good for you. Just reading about them all makes me happy!! Way to get that book club going:> Seriously--all those people down there must have felt like there was a huge hole in their lives until you arrived--Now WE are the ones with the big hole...sniff sniff:<

Hey, I am going to post the cape picture for all to see this weekend--get ready for it--it is pretty dang good:> We look amazing Kelly--as usual!