Thursday, November 02, 2006

Exciting news from Salt Lake

Well, not much is going on in my life right now. I graduated from BYU in August and moved back to Salt Lake with my family. I decided not to get a job for awhile, just to see what it was like to bum around. I spend my days reading, writing, cleaning, and have become a fan of Oprah. The most exciting news in my life right now is that I just bought a ticket to Paris for the first week of December. City of Lights, here we come. If anyone has any French advice for me, please let me know.


morgan said...

Wow Ashley, that's the life. What have you been writing? Anything interesting?

Erin Teichert Barbuto said...

Are you going by yourself? Now you really will be mon capitan! I'm so excited for you! You'll have to tell us what it's really like there. In the after school program I work at there's a girl who really wants to go to Paris someday but it looks like she'll probably never leave Wyoming. It would be so awesome if you took a picture for her--her name's Sandra. And do tell us what you've been writing. You're one of my favorite authors, you know.