Tuesday, November 07, 2006

CEO, here I come!

So, I just interviewed for this job that might possibly be the craziest thing I have ever been connected with in my life. . .it was like stepping into a movie. So I interviewed to be the Administrative Assistant for the National Sales Director of a multi million dollar company. I would basically be the connection between him and thousands of workers. . .it was a little overwhelming. It's too bad he was turned off by the fact that I can't spell his company's name and I am too "buddy-buddy" to be working in a professional office like his. Well, we all miss opportunities. . .I guess I have missed the boat to climb the corporate ladder in a Fortune 500 company. I'll have to settle for being a cowhand on the neighboring ranch. . .


Erin Teichert Barbuto said...

I'm going to need a few more details on that one, and Ashley, I think we've found a great plot for a story for you...

Katie Hutson said...

Agreed--more info please!! Kelly, you never cease to amaze me! What next? They really don't know what they'll be missing:> You should put me down as a reference from now on and I tell all those high and mighty ones what's up!!