Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Nothing going on

Hello everyone! I just wanted to update you that nothing is going on here. My husband is gone for a while and so I am kicking it here with my parents. We are having a great time hanging out and going for walks. Little nate is getting not so little anymore. He is super cute and fun. Not much else is going on. We are missing our husband/dad.. And just counting down the days until he get back. Still like 150 left. But we do have some fun things planned. Dinsey World, a Disney Cruise, visiting family, scrapbooking, learning to walk and talk and eat, (not me but nate) We are having a great time and loving life.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sidenote to Sunday

So I guess Sundays wear Morgan out too. He started to change Jack's diaper, opened up the onesie and realized that the last time he had changed Jack's diaper he had put one of Grace's diapers on. Hilarious.


So we're sitting at the table after dinner and Grace started acting kind of loopy. And before we knew it she was out. Jack also has been asleep since church (going on three hours). Sundays are apparently very tiring around here.

Friday, October 26, 2007

NOT in Oklahoma!

Hi, guys! Alison requested that I post an update so here I am! I haven't posted earlier because there just hasn't been anything to say. There still isn't really. This last month has been really nice - we've had some good down time - lots of Wii playing and moving watching. :) I'm also in the process of completely reorganizing my office - I think we're going to IKEA today to see what we can find. We're not moving anytime soon, but you know us - you never know! We're definitely not doing the Oklahoma thing. We went out for a visit in April and we realized we just can't live that close to family. We need our own space. So, Portland is still a possibility as is Williamsburg, but who knows when. If I ever get pregnant we're going to have to seriously take a look at things and decide where we want to be because this house isn't big enough for the company and a family anymore. But Brian and Puga are doing well. :) We're excited about Halloween, but with our ward doing Trunk or Treats on Halloween day we don't get too many trick or treaters, which is sad, but what are you going to do?

Hope you guys have lots of fun this Halloween and make sure to post pictures of your cute kids all dressed up!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Well, we've decided to dress Eli up as a cowboy for Halloween--he'll be known as Marshall E. Hutson for all of the festivities going on this Halloween. After all, his favorite stuffed animal is a horse and he looks great in a cowboy hat--what could be more perfect? What are you all doing for Halloween? We are taking Eli to a good ol' Trunk or Treat at the church this weekend, and then to the library for Halloween treats and activities on Halloween Eve--and we might let him knock on a few doors on Halloween day--we shall see:) Do any of you guys have any fun traditions? I'd love to hear about them?! Anyway, mostly I am writing this post just to say hi and that I am thinking of y'all:)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

At the U

Well we're having a pretty good time here at the U. Grace, as you can see, has learned how to smile for the camera, as has Jack. Grace is talking more and more all the time. Jack is getting bigger and bigger. He's really strong and will probably be rolling around pretty soon. Morgan just finished his first block of classes and luckily grad school has been easier then BYU, so far. I'm just playing with the kids, working, playing with the kids, and working. That's pretty much all from here. Love you all!

Come on Y'all:)

Hey friends!! It is time y'all took a few minutes and gave me a bit of an update on your lives. I miss everyone all the time and wish you'd tell me what you are up to--whether you think it is boring or not--I want to hear about it!!! So...start typing...

Oh, and, any fun costume ideas anyone? Jer and I would like to make Eli a costume for this halloween but if we can't think of something good we might buy one--please help us to get creative!!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

These are pics taken at our little piece of heaven! We have a beautiful garden/park/lake about a 30 second drive from our place. We love it sooooo much!!

Eli's first time feeding ducks:) They wanted to attack him bad!!
For those of you who don't know yet we are going to have another baby! The baby is due in April!

There is a wonderful state park just 10 minutes from us, there is a lake we can swim in, there are nature trails, and there is a neat wild life rehabilitation center there.
**Life is good here in B'ham. After a crazy 2 weeks at the beginning of September we finally "won" our little battle and are starting to feel more and more settled each day. Our lawyer did some fantastic work and we mostly got what we wanted! Our apartment got cleaned, maintenance things were completed, and we got Oct.'s rent down to 127 bucks! Not bad eh?! So, although we went through a whole lot of stuff, things ended up okay. Our lawyer wouldn't leave the management alone until they gave us exactly what we asked for! Luckily we rarely have to deal with management so we can just carry on with our happy little lives:)
Jeremy is enjoying his job and we are all enjoying his schedule--he will almost always get 3 full days off a week. We love how much family time we have. Eli is 17 months old now--WOW! He is talking like crazy--well, he has lots of words and uses them like crazy. We are having fun. We miss family and friends always though. So, keep us posted on what you are all up to!!