Saturday, October 28, 2006

Welcome Back!

Hey everyone. A couple of people have mentioned to me that they would like me to do that newsletter again. Remember how about two or three years ago I had everyone email me a paragraph on their life? And then remember how I was going to do it about twice year? Oops. Anyway, I thought this might be a more fun way to keep in touch. We can post updates on our lives or just any fun thing we want to talk about or show everyone. Enjoy!


Kelly said...

Alison, you are a genius. I am so excited, I can't wait to "blog it" (quoting Morgan Gainer. . . come on, he's the only one left in school ,he should recognize that that is not a verb). Anyway, I hope you all join, I can't wait to tell you all about my exciting adventures down under. Gotcha! I'm not going to Australia, I'm going to Texas.

morgan said...

Actually, since I'm the only one left in school, I should know less than everyone else, so my vocabulary is excusable. Great idea Al!

Erin Teichert Barbuto said...

Twent-teeeeee Onia, twenty-onia, na na na na na na naaa na na na....

This is super, Al!

Kelly, what's going on with Texas these days? If you go to Austin I have a couple of friends there... :)

Everyone, I finally got a new car. Of course it's not really new, it's an 87, but it's been taken good care of (dangling preposition, Kelly). It's a little BMW, so it's pretty fun to drive. I love you all and it was so fun to see some of you the other week--thanks for coming over, Katie!

Take care, all!

(Kelly, what would you think about me saying to google something? I do it all the time... :) )