Thursday, April 22, 2010

Million Dollar Idea

Erin. Kelly and I have discovered that our attraction towards Mormon boys is decreasing, while our attraction for good cute boys outside of the LDS world is increasing. We want you to write a 12 step program in book form entitled "How to Convert Your Man." We will accept 30% of all your profits. Thank you.


Erin Teichert Barbuto said...

Here are a few thoughts for you, Ashley (and Kelly), if you're barking up the same tree I did...or something like that. This is not a how-to, just some ideas. This is no recipe. I'm not even saying I did these. I just think they sound good.

#1 Get your inappropriate police on overtime. Don't be afraid to report that nice guy to your personal police. How will he know where you stand otherwise? The inappropriate police lose a lot of credibility after "I do" I think.
#2 Let him see that you live and love the truth. You do, and I'm guessing you don't hide it.
#3 Here's some good advice I got from my brother--recognize ways that he has been being prepared and what a great person he is. Sometimes things that I thought were kind of red flaggish were really an example of his dedication to true principles.
#4 Invite him. Let others invite him, too. I'm kind of squeamish about being a good missionary but be bold if you can. Also, I'd say to not be afraid to talk about the gospel around him. I don't think it hurts to let him know that attending with you just because he wants to be with you is not wrong. Making a commitment like baptism for the wrong reason isn't okay, I think. There's a big difference though between the two.
Sometimes I found it difficult to try to explain just why my faith is so important to me without making it sound like I thought he'd be an idiot if he didn't accept the gospel. Good luck. I think Heavenly Father will help you. It's his work, remember.
Not that I think you need this advice, but I'm giving it anyway: ...actually, I'll give it over the phone or something sometime. I'll tell you this: my joy is great for the one soul...

Alison said...

Erin that was beautiful and you are beautiful! Love you.

Mebel Jepara Apik Furniture said... | | | | | | | |