Tuesday, October 06, 2009


I don't even know if anyone reads this blog anymore. But...here is something exciting.

Erin Teichert is getting married. That's right folks.

Also, I am moving to Washington DC.

Also, Alison is having her baby this week (if it comes on time...we're going to feed her spicy food all week to ensure that it does).

Also, Julie moved back to the states and had her second baby this summer.

Also, Ashley moved to Portland and is having a magical time.

Also, I am going to the Great Smokey Mountains in two days. I have a feeling it will be the most exciting time of my life.


Ryan said...

Someone still reads it Kelly. So excited about everyone's great news!

Katie Hutson said...

Yeah for news...so happy for everyone:) Kelly...you'll LOVE the smokey mountains!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love love love them! Miss you all!

lori said...

That's all super exciting!! Thanks for the update, Kelly! And good luck to everyone!